An emerging contaminant is an umbrella term for any chemical found in our waterways that wastewater treatment facilities do not yet monitor or treat for.
Emerging contaminants can include chemicals from prescription drugs, antibiotics, recreational drugs, herbicides and even personal care products.
Emerging contaminants enter our waterways through treated wastewater, failing pipes and stormwater runoff.
TREATED WASTEWATER: Anything we flush down the toilet or pour down the drain ends up at wastewater treatment facilities. Here our sanitary waste is treated for things like bacteria and nutrients. However, wastewater is not treated for emerging contaminants. After processing, “treated” wastewater (still containing many of these compounds) enter our waterways.
FAILING PIPES: Leaking sanitary pipes and failing septic systems can be a direct source of emerging contaminant pollution. These failing pipes, allow for our sanitary waste to leak or leach into our stormwater systems or contaminate our groundwater, which both ultimately end up in our local rivers and streams.
STORMWATER RUNOFF: Water that is carried over the land enters our rivers either directly or indirectly through our storm drains. Chemicals that we apply to our lawn, golf courses, agricultural fields, or pastures enter our waterways untreated.
Learn more about emerging contaminants with Jump in with Julius.
Jump in with Julius is a YouTube series hosted by Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s Education Coordinator. These easy to do lessons aim to help families better understand the watersheds we live in.
What You Can Do
Use Natural Ingredients
Anything that we flush or wash down the drain ends up in our local waterways. To avoid contaminants from personal care products entering our waterways, try to use products with more natural ingredients. Ingredients to stay away from include triclosan, triclocarban or antibacterial products
Eliminate Weed Killers
Products we put on our green spaces, like lawns and golf courses, and used in farming can wash into storm drains or directly into local rivers. Try eliminating herbicides for lawn care. If herbicides are used, be sure to read the label and never apply before a rain event. Steer clear of products containing atrazine.
Properly Dispose of Medicine
Have unused meds? Refrain from flushing them and instead drop them off at a local med take back site. Take Back My Meds works to combat the opioid crisis and protect our freshwater by safely disposing of unused medications. Find a free, drug take back site near you: takebackmymeds.com.
To learn more about emerging contaminants in local waters, CLEAR MKE hosts community science sampling events three times per year. Samples are taken at 20 sites in the Milwaukee River, Root River and Fox River Basins.
At Home Audit
Use our At Home Audit to take a look at the products in your home that may contain emerging contaminants. Once you have identified products that contain these chemicals, brainstorm alternative options with more natural ingredients.